Monthly Archives: May 2013

So you *can* add an icon to a list item drop-down menu entry…

Back on September 1st of 2012, I blogged an entry about adding a custom entry to a list item drop-down menu (so I’d remember it next time I wanted to use it). It came out looking something like this:


Just a couple weeks or so ago, someone commented and asked if you could add an icon to that entry. Now, looking at the default entries that SharePoint adds, the answer should be “yes”, but I didn’t know how to do it. But just this last week, my SharePoint Buddy showed me something she had discovered… how to add an icon! It was a case of both of us not scrolling down further on the screen to see the option for adding it.

To add the icon, you need to have a 16×16 pixel image for the menu. If you want to add a graphic to the Ribbon bar, it needs to be 32×32.


Add the graphics to a library in your site, such as an Image or an Asset library:


In SharePoint Designer, go into the Custom Actions area of the list where the custom action is added:


Here’s where I originally failed to see how to add the graphic. When you look at the Create Custom Action dialog box, the screen only scrolled down as far as the Navigate To URL entry.  If I would have scrolled down further (I honestly didn’t even notice the scroll bar… D’oh!), I would have seen where the icon could be added:


I browsed to the library where the image was stored, and voilà… I have an icon!

If you want to borrow the email icons for your own use, here they are:


