Monthly Archives: August 2013

Help Send D’arce Hess to the World Championships

In her words:

“I am raising money to compete in the 2013 World Para-Archery Championships being held in Thailand in November 2013. I have competed in two previous world championships as well as in several international competitions and the Para-Pan American Games where I won the Bronze medal for the USA.”

D’arce is a well-known member of the SharePoint community, and it’d be great to see everyone pitch in to help her raise the funds she needs to make it to the championships.

If you’d like to contribute, her fundraising page is here:

How to delete Document Library folders that are “locked” or “checked out”…

I got a help desk case where the customer was trying to delete a folder from a document library. But every time she tried it, she got the error message below. I tried to delete it and got the same result. It didn’t matter if it was through the browser interface, the Explorer interface, or SharePoint Designer. No go…


I found the answer in the blog entry below:

Apparently it’s an issue of there still being documents in the library that have not yet had a major version published. To the person trying to delete the folder, it looks empty.  What you need to do is go into the Library Settings and take ownership of the files. You can then delete the entries, and after that the folder can be deleted.

Library Tools > Library > Library Settings > Permissions and Management > Manage files which have no checked in version:





Hopefully that will save you a bit of time if you run into the same situation…

Getting line breaks in a multi-line field customized by InfoPath…

I’ve been working on a site, and one of the fields in the list is a multi-line text box that collects concatenated values from entries on other fields. The underlying core of the site is that this is a custom list that I’m customizing with InfoPath.

I had been putting the different field concatenations one after the other, separated by semicolons. But ideally, it would be nice to have each set on a separate line.

My SharePointBuddy pointed me in the direction of this post:

It didn’t seem to work for me, but there was a comment in there that talked about actually copying and pasting a line break character in the concat statement in the rule. By creating a WordPad document that has two lines of content, you can copy the end of the first line and get the invisible line break character. Then when you paste it into the concat statement, you get your line breaks in the field!

Here’s how it looks in the rule:


The line break in the concat statement isn’t a manual line break I put in there. It’s the effect of pasting in the line break character from the WordPad document. I also put some notes to that effect in a hidden section above the field so that future programmers wouldn’t “fix” the layout of that statement.

Before, here’s what my field looked like:


With the linebreak copied in there, we now have this:


MUCH better!